
Stuff not belonging elsewhere...


  Brus: The cool synthpop project headed by my friend Andreas Wallgren.

  Run Level Zero: Evil industrial music for your dancefloor... Has played live with Moulin Noir on severeal occations, and Hans Åkerman plays synthesizers live with Moulin Noir. Did the great Spellbound remix for "The Wite Room" CD album.

  NS Stalkers: My brother's fabulous and quite undescribable band. Check it out!

  Malaise: Friends, and the premier swedish electronic goth band. Stefan Väisänen plays synthesizers with Moulin Noir live.

  Blind Leading Blind:. An excellent synth act. Stefan Väisänen plays synthesizers here too.

  A Different Drum:. The biggest synthpop record company in the US. Also an excellent record internet record shop.

Make sure you surf this site from the index page!